Thursday 28 March 2013

New projects!

So since the man auction, what have I been doing in the world of fundraising?

Well...... I am hoping to have a quiz which one of my beautiful friend's dad is going to be heading as he is a great quiz master and well, I'm not. So it's a perfect combination! I'm not sure what the date of this is going to be as of yet as this is still very much a work in progress and needs some sorting out but rest assured details will be posted!!

My mum is hosting a coffee morning for me which will include a tombola and bake sale. Bless my mum she is a truly wonderful and inspiring lady and I am so blessed to have her helping me with my fundraising. Without her i would be sincerely screwed.

Donations have come to a firm halt but I am determined to not let this get me down and continue to fundraise in other ways!!

I also have a few more tricks up my sleeve but I will leave you with this for now :)

Friday 15 March 2013

A MASSIVE thank you!

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to every one who has donated so far!!! I couldn't have gotten this far without your help and for that I am really grateful! Included in the total shown above is the £430.00 raised at the man auction which was such a success and i couldn't have asked for a better turn out! Thank you for the guys who were involved and to everyone who came. Now to continue with my hairiness and think of another project to put in tow!

If you would like to make a donation, please click on the link below:

Click to donate! :)

Thank you :)